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Audlem & District Probus Club
for retired professionals and business people

2015 AGM – All Change

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new president david mounteney 1ron bradford39s presentation 1ron bradford

The Club's 2015 Annual General Meeting took place on Thursday 26th March at Brookfield Golf Club.
President Michael Smith handed over the Chain of office to our new President David Mounteney after a busy and successful year.

Secretary Alan Hodgson thanked Michael and said how much the members and committee were impressed with how he had conducted the meetings and the committee. Alan expressed his thanks from all present – we will miss his jokes!

Treasurer, Ron Bradford, who was a founder member of the Club 20 years ago, and had been treasurer for the whole of those 20 years was made the first Fellow of the Club – the highest honour available from the Club. Our sincere thanks go to Ron for his outstanding service to the Club he helped create.

In grateful thanks from the members he was presented with a painting by celebrated local Artist Sheila Webster of the local canal scene.

There followed a fascinating talk from speaker Idris Evans of the cattle droving that took place from Anglesey to the markets of London some 4-500 years ago.

He described the difficulty in getting cattle across the dangerous Menai Straits, the six gun belt used by the chief drover for security and the special coinage which was of no value the Highwaymen. A fascinating and humorous talk with the vote of thanks from Geraint Davis being partly in Welsh !

The Club will be celebrating the 20th Anniversary with a special lunch on the 27th April at Brookfield Golf Club to which members should have had an invitation.

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