A Talk By Paul Kay
Paul has been a professional magician since graduating at Law and has just graduated from MMU with a BA (Hons) in Education 2:1.
He loves entertaining audiences and talking to people. Ten years ago he qualified tobecome a Member of The Magic Circle. With just 1500 Magic Circle members worldwidethis is indeed an honour.
Open to wives and partners
Audlem Public Hall
Arrive for coffee at 10am for 11am Start
Pauls talk will be followed by a Finger Buffet/ Luncheon
Licensed Bar. (open from 10am for Beer, Wine & Soft drinks)
£20/ head
Please add your name to the list and pay the treasurer by the 28th November meeting. Or contact me to have your name added to the list.
royplume@gmail.com 01270 812114 07802 350990
For Full details click on the file below the logo