Members and guests enjoyed a very successful and enjoyable games evening on Thursday at Adderley Village Hall.
A very professional croupier ( AKA Ben Clark) led the casino section in "Pontoon" ( Look at the photo gallery to find out who had a misspent youth.)
In addition there was a wine tasting competition, a ladder contest, shove ha'penny, carpet golf and table horse racing, under the guiding hands of Mike Harthern and Joe Hoyle, ( some horses had a weird resemblance to other farm animals – but we won't ask questions!)
Members enjoyed a delicious cold buffet provided by Jan Evans and a team of Committee members wives who were thanked for such hard work.
The highest scoring lady ( Misspent youth ?) , Margaret Thornton, received a bouquet of flowers from Vice President David Mounteney and the prestigious President's Cup went to highest scoring member Roland Hall (definitely a misspent youth !)
An excellent evening and our thanks go to Social Secretary, John Evans, and better half Jan, for such successful organisation.
Rev'd Jane Carter
CIrcuit Administrator
Sue Mason