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Audlem & District Probus Club
for retired professionals and business people

Next Probus Walk

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whitmore walk

Bob Godwin is organising the next walk on Tuesday 18 July in Madeley area

It is a 5 mile walk starting from Madeley Car Park,(next to Church) easy uphill stretch to Keele and then very easy back down to Madeley, only 4 styles
Lunch at Onnely Wheatsheaf Inn at 1.15pm.

Meet at Audlem Car Park 10.15 am or Madeley Car Park at 10.45am
Any Queries Bob Godwin Tel 01270 812077

I am forwarding this to regular/occasional walkers as well as the Probus website as we do not meet until 13 July

Hope you can make it -please pass on to any member not on email


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