Our meeting of the 22nd January was held to a large membership attendance and was in three parts:
1) The President Mike Smith welcomed Andrew Patterson to membership. Andrew described his career in the Insurance industry- particularly Risk Assessment and how he came to live in Audlem.
He is now the Finance officer for the Charity shop which last year raised an amazing £27,000 for local charities.
2) Business reports from John Evans, Social Secretary, on the Social evening at Adderley Hall in February which is now being supported by 60 people and sounds like a really fun evening if you wish to join !
Roland Hall described the arrangements for the 20th Anniversary lunch to be held on the 27th April – the same date the inaugural meeting was held.
3) The highlight of the meeting was a very professional exposition of the origins of World War One by Local Resident and Member Bob Cartwright.
Bob spoke in tremendous detail, knowledge and enthusiasm about the events that led up to the Serbian Assassin, Gavrillo Princip shooting the heir to the Austria – Hungary throne – Franz Ferdinand.
He described how this led to the mobilisation of the various alliances within Europe at that time, including Britain, with France, and led to the deaths of 10 million young people..
A fascinating talk, well researched – with many lessons to be learned. -Many thanks Bob.
Rev'd Jane Carter
CIrcuit Administrator
Sue Mason