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for retired professionals and business people

Visit to Fordhall Farm

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Members and guests enjoyed a really interesting visit to Fordhall Farm followed by a delicious buffet supper.

Our host for the evening was Charlotte Hollins whose father was the original owner of the farm. and was an innovator and early adopter of organic farming and in particular Foggage farming system, where cattle are fed only on grass from the meadows and are outside all year round.

Following their fathers death, Charlotte and her brother,Ben,where in danger of losing the farm unless £800,000 could be raised to purchase the farm and continue their father"s work.

With the help of some experts and the local community a Fordhall Community Land Initiative was formed allowing anyone to buy shares in the initiative and a Charity Industrial and Provident Society was formed.

Under this system Ben rents and runs the farm and Charlotte manages the Community Projects which allows community access to the farm lands.

A fascinating tour of the farm was provided of the farm in spite of the cold august weather followed by a delicious supper of local produce.

Thank you to John and Jan Evans for and excellent occasion.

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