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Visit to Tram Village & Kedleston

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After several days of miserable, grey, wet weather Wednesday (October 2nd) dawned dry, bright and clear, and the whole day was a blue sky day with not a cloud in sight.
The journey to Crich Tramway Museum Village was longer than anticipated as we were held up for some 40 minutes by a crash on the A50, so on arrival there was a mad dash for the loos and a cup of coffee.

The museum village is a delightful recreation of a byegone era and with a ride in a vintage tram many people said it brought back long lost memories.
After all too short a time we boarded the coach for the short journey to Kedleston Hall.
Phil, our driver, took us via the scenic route along the Ecclesbourne Valley,a delightful gently rolling rural valley, which I guess is not part of the main tourist route.

Arriving at Kedleston Hall we all adjourned to the restaurant, where the food was up to the usual National Trust standard, particularly if enjoyed with a glass of wine (some of us!).
Kedleston is a magnificent mid 18th Palladian mansion with awe inspiring interiors and beautiful views over the sunlit parkland. Several people who had not visited before said that a return visit with family and friends would be a must for next year.

The day was certainly one of contrasts between the bucholic charm of Crich and the sheer grandeur and opulence of Kedleston, but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves,helped in no small measure by the glorious weather.

After an uneventful journey we arrived back in Audlem around 6.15pm.
Many thanks to our Social Secretary, for organising a fascinating day out in the sun.

Click on the photos to enlarge and go to the Tram Village for more photos

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